The Tribune: Culver Stresses Importance of Iowa's Renewable Energy

News Article

Date: April 6, 2010

By James Pusey

Gov. Chet Culver spoke about Iowa's accomplishments in renewable energy at a conference on wind energy this morning at the Scheman Building on the campus of Iowa State University.

Culver gave the introduction to the Iowa Alliance for Wind Innovation and Novel Design, or IAWIND, symposium. He said the state of Iowa's commitment to alternative energy sources has helped it recover from the recent recession.

"We are out of this recession, we are moving Iowa forward, and it has a lot to do with our focus on renewable energy and wind energy," Culver said.

He said the state has taken "dramatic action" to show its commitment to renewable energy over the last two years. Renewable energy sources made up 5 percent of the state's total energy 40 months ago, he said, and that number has grown to 20 percent today.

The number of wind farms in the state of Iowa also grew from 35 to 78 in that period, Culver said.

"In Iowa, our goal is to lead the nation in renewable energy," Culver said. "We would like Iowa to become the silicon prairie of the Midwest."

More than 200 people attended the IAWIND conference, which is one of two wind conferences taking place at Scheman this week.

James Pusey can be reached at (515) 663-6922

